Factors that can affect corona vaccination

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A U.S. study shows how the mental state of those vaccinated affects the effectiveness of the vaccination.

Almost 50% of Austrians have been vaccinated once so far, and nearly 32 percent have been fully vaccinated against Corona. But not everyone reacts the same way to the vaccination. A study from the U.S. has shown that several factors can influence the effectiveness of a vaccination.

Although the approved Corona vaccines are extremely effective, they do not work equally effectively for everyone. Age and chronic disease can play a role, but these factors are by no means the only ones. A research team from Ohio State University in the United States recently found that psychological, social, and behavioral factors can also influence the effectiveness of the Corona vaccine.

On the one hand, the factors mentioned above can influence how long it takes the body to build up protective immunity against the corona virus after a vaccination. On the other hand, how long this lasts. And the intensity of side effects may also be related. The good news is that even short-term lifestyle changes can have a positive effect on the immune system and thus on the effectiveness of the corona vaccine.

In their meta-study, the U.S. researchers examined a number of vaccine studies from the past 30 years. These included vaccines against hepatitis B, influenza, pneumococcus and typhoid fever. They had all shown that there was a link between psychological factors and the immune system’s response to vaccination. The results are generalizable to many vaccine types and therefore may be relevant to the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, the authors write.

Factors that may negatively influence the efficacy of the Corona vaccine
So what are the psychological factors that may negatively influence the efficacy of the Corona vaccine? In the first place there is stress. But depression, loneliness and poor health behaviors can also “impair the immune system’s response to vaccines,” the study says. That is, fewer antibodies are sometimes produced than in vaccine candidates who do not have these factors. This effect may be strongest in vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the authors write further.

Neurotic people and those with low self-esteem may also sometimes show lower antibody responses. Psychological factors are also thought to influence the frequency and severity of vaccine side effects, such as fatigue.

Chronic stress could shorten duration of immunization
To date, it has not been conclusively determined how long the antibodies are present in sufficient quantity to protect against corona infection. “Although the current leading vaccine candidates have generally achieved high efficacy, it is possible that chronic stress in vaccine recipients may attenuate this response over time, requiring more frequent vaccinations,” the authors warn.

The corona pandemic itself has increased vaccination risk factors such as stress, depression and anxiety. These sometimes also lead to poor health behaviors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diets and too little exercise. Sleep also suffers from stress. “Overall, these risk factors are so pervasive that, if not addressed, they could significantly reduce the overall effectiveness of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates,” the study authors warn.

What can be done to improve corona vaccine efficacy?
“Ironically, fear of covid-19 itself may reduce the ability of the vaccine to confer immunity to the virus,” the authors write. At the same time, they make the case that positive behavioral and psychological change could, in turn, positively influence the efficacy of the Corona vaccine: “Even short-term interventions can be effective.”

Avoid stress especially around the vaccination date
“As much as possible, reducing stress levels around the time of vaccination can help reduce the likelihood of troublesome side effects,” the experts advise. In addition, all things that are good for you and can thus also reduce stress levels. First and foremost: sleep well and enough! “Sleep significantly influences immune function,” the study says. People who regularly suffered from sleep deprivation not only had a “high risk of not responding to the vaccine, but also of suffering serious illnesses.”

A positive influence on the psyche, and therefore on the effectiveness of the Corona vaccine, can also be the following aids, according to the study paper:

meditation and mindfulness practices
expressive writing
Stress management

Sports and a healthy diet support the immune system
Physical activities such as sports also help strengthen the immune system, making the body better prepared for vaccination (read more here). At the same time, it is advisable to eat a healthy diet, stay away from cigarettes and not drink excessive amounts of alcohol. This applies in general, but especially around the vaccination date. Those who want to douse their Corona vaccination with alcohol can do so, as long as it stays at a small glass.

Sources: fitbook.de and Madison, Annelise A., Shrout, M. Rosie, Renna, Megan E., Kiecolt-Glaser, Janice K (2021): Psychological and Behavioral Predictors of Vaccine Efficacy: Considerations for COVID-19.

Picture: pixabay.com

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